in change
We are a network of leaders committed to building an equitable future.
Vice President of Insights and Analytics
Ashwina Kirpalani-Vasanjee is vice president of insights and analytics. In this role, she leads the vision for StriveTogether’s data and analytics function and oversees the implementation of these strategies across the organization, Network and field. She manages the data, insights and analytics team, which includes the Cradle to Career Network members’ assessments along our Theory of Action™.
Ashwina brings nearly a decade of experience from Cradle to Career Network member Commit Partnership in Dallas County, Texas. She was a visionary for Commit’s extremely robust and effective data practices, which have been instrumental in local and statewide policy changes to advance equitable outcomes, cradle to career.
Ashwina routinely dissects issues strategically by listening deeply and asking the right questions to lead to the greatest impact. Ashwina knows how to build a data-informed culture and processes within organizations, teams and individuals. Her life’s work is to support people in their development to realize that their connection to the outside world lies within. She believes that when a person’s internal experience aligns with their external experience decisions, answers, forward momentum and life flow easier.
Ashwina has an MBA and a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of Miami and is a certified coach and trained Cutting the Ties that Bind facilitator. She lives in a multi-species household in a Dallas suburb with her husband, two dogs and mother-in-law. She loves chocolate, traveling, the beach and the sound of waves.
hear from ashwina
Communities in the Cradle to Career Network are working to improve systems that impact youth and families. Share why one adjacent sector is important to you.
Health, and more specifically mental health, impacts individual life outcomes and the recent COVID epidemic put a spotlight on its importance. Child suicide rates are climbing and we can point to numerous community incidents and outcomes that directly correlate to mental wellbeing. For communities and individuals to thrive, a focus on mental health will give students and families the opportunity to weather experiences taking place both externally and within themselves with fortitude and success.