setting up kids for
success in central

Children who enter kindergarten before they’re ready are three times less likely to read proficiently in third grade. Across the country, millions start school unprepared for the classroom.

Austin-based E3 Alliance is a StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network member working to support a successful start for 600,000 children in Central Texas.

In 2015, the rate of kindergarten readiness among preschoolers living in poverty plummeted. E3 Alliance realized they had to work across health and education sectors in new ways to address this challenge. Their team adopted StriveTogether’s collaborative improvement approach and began using data to direct resources into effective strategies in real time.

This shift led to the development of a transformative school readiness assessment and ultimately helped E3 Alliance reach Proof Point along the StriveTogether Theory of Action™. This was a critical milestone in the quest to get better results for every child, but their work is not finished.