StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network members get
better results for youth from cradle to career.
We Advance Opportunity
case studies
reasons to believe
The results are reasons to believe. Our case studies explain how StriveTogether communities work together to transform systems — and how that leads to better outcomes from Utah to Texas to Tennessee.
featured case study

How students in a Fresno, California high school used a youth impact assessment to promote change
Cradle to Career Fresno County is supporting youth to develop impact assessments and influence decision making.

Centering systems on kids and families using nested civic infrastructure
Mission Promise Neighborhood is developing nested civic infrastructure to scale a place-based strategy from neighborhood to national

Rocky Mountain Partnership wins on a ballot measure by centering youth
Cradle to Career Network member Rocky Mountain Partnership is centering youth to solve challenges that stand in the way of economic mobility.

Bouncing back from the pandemic in Ohio, Texas and California
Across the country, Cradle to Career Network members are using civic infrastructure to help student academic outcomes recover from the pandemic.

Transforming systems with data and collaboration in Dayton, Ohio
Learn to Earn Dayton is using data, collaborating across the community, and shifting power and resources to get better outcomes.

Transforming education systems through data and collaboration
E3 Alliance’s effective data use and collaboration are showing what’s possible when we work to transform systems for better outcomes.

Promising results for kids in Utah
Through strong partnerships, effective use of data and resources, and impactful advocacy, Promise Partnership has ensured a brighter future for the Salt Lake City area.

Improving cradle-to-career outcomes
Cradle to Career Network member Partners for Rural Impact is building a better future for young people.

Changing disciplinary practices to improve academic outcomes
UP Partnership used data to replace out-of-school suspensions with restorative justice.

Using data to improve outcomes
Equipped with tools from StriveTogether’s Prenatal to 3 Impact and Improvement Network, Norwalk ACTS and local partners have empowered parents to support their children’s early development.

Building an equitable recovery
Four Wisconsin communities provide insights for a successful recovery.

Sparking change in Spartanburg, S.C.
Spartanburg Academic Movement is using continuous improvement to get to better results.

Thinking bigger in Memphis, Tenn.
Seeding Success in Memphis, Tennessee, is creating access to quality pre-K to ensure children arrive at school with solid footing.

Making daily change to transform systems
In Utah, United Way of Salt Lake’s Promise Partnership has one goal: to ensure that every child in the state is ready for school, better in school and successful in life.

Sharing data to power change
A first-of-its-kind data-sharing partnership between nonprofits, health care and schools gives a community access to data needed to better support youth and families.

Setting up kids for success in Texas
An early pioneer of collective impact, E3 Alliance in Central Texas uses the theory of action and tools like collaborative improvement to increase kindergarten readiness.

Engaging the community for better results
Watch how partnerships in Colorado, Minnesota and Washington engage youth and other community members in solutions.
stay informed
Gain insights and learning from our network of communities as we change systems to improve outcomes for children.