thinking bigger in

In Memphis, Tenn., Cradle to Career Network member Seeding Success represents a partnership of more than 100 organizations working to get better results for youth, particularly children of color.

Seeding Success supports a cradle-to-career continuum of collaboration across sectors including schools, nonprofits and businesses to transform local systems that shape opportunity.

In 2015, Seeding Success participated in a nine-month StriveTogether Leadership Program focused explicitly on racial equity. The training emphasized facilitating tough conversations and using data to achieve better outcomes.

Seeding Success adopted the approach internally and worked with StriveTogether to extend support to their partner organizations. One partner, Communities In Schools of Memphis, achieved a 27% decrease in the number of chronically absent students using data provided by Seeding Success.

“Having a strong national support partner in StriveTogether has really enabled us to accelerate our progress and strengthen our approach,” says Executive Director Mark Sturgis.