who we are

StriveTogether team members are leaders committed to building an equitable future.

we make a difference

Working to achieve racial and ethnic equity shapes who we are and what we do. We know when a community prioritizes helping every child succeed, it brings us all one step closer to an equitable world. Together we work toward building this reality so youth and families can thrive. 

Learn more about our commitment to racial and ethnic equity.


our vision

The success of every child from cradle to career.

our mission

We partner with communities to ensure every child has every chance to succeed because race, ethnicity, poverty and circumstance should not determine opportunity or outcome.

our values

Working to achieve racial and ethnic equity shapes who we are and what we do. We know when a community prioritizes helping every child succeed, it brings us all one step closer to an equitable world. Together we work toward building this reality so youth and families can thrive.


Our Role

we can all be part
of the solution

We wake up in communities with deeply rooted inequities, and each day we can choose to help build a better tomorrow for children and families across the country.

Watch our video of how our work with communities has become a national movement for a more equitable world and ask yourself, What’s your role going to be?

Watch how StriveTogether and the Cradle to Career Network are paving a road to economic mobility for children and families across the country. Share our story and help spread what’s possible.