2024 Courses Preview
Cradle to Career Network, anyone who has taken or signed up for a StriveTogether offering, national partners
As director of our Collaborative Improvement™ division, Heidi Black builds the capability of local leaders and practitioners across the country to improve outcomes for children and youth through data-driven decision making and community voice.
Cradle to Career Network, anyone who has taken or signed up for a StriveTogether offering, national partners
Making systems more equitable is hard. It presents endless challenges with no known solutions. In the face of these challenges, imagine having a step-by-step process and tools to give you insight, clarity and early wins to show that your strategies are working. Through improvement science, that vision can be reality. I’m not saying that using…
In Salt Lake City, Utah, school staff and community partners are using improvement science to get better outcomes for kids and families. This week, I’m joining Tyler Asman from United Way of Salt Lake to share the story of this work at the Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education. The story started two years…
My twin daughters are a daily reminder about the importance of access to quality prenatal care for pregnant women and quality care for young children. Eighteen weeks into my twin pregnancy, I was diagnosed with a condition that, left unnoticed and untreated, carried a 95 percent mortality rate for Baby A. This was not a…
The first three years of a child’s life are critically important to his or her future success. In those first few years, the brain grows to 80 percent of its adult size and decades of research have shown that a child’s earliest experiences impact his or her long-term well-being. In fact, early experiences and interactions…
Having a rigorous process for testing and implementing changes to get better results has always been deeply embedded in our work at StriveTogether. In fact, developing a culture of continuous improvement is one of the four principles in our Theory of Action. We know it is crucial for Cradle to Career Network communities if they…
When working to increase rates for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), cradle-to-career partnerships are always looking for proven, easy-to-replicate strategies that lead to results. Through the work of StriveTogether’s Postsecondary Enrollment Impact and Improvement Network, we know the effective strategies used to make sure that more students successfully completed the FAFSA. 1.…