Meet StriveTogether’s Newest Board Members

StriveTogether is expanding our board of directors with four new members. These new members are leaders in the fields of education, philanthropy, place-based partnerships and justice. StriveTogether is a network of community organizations that join together neighbors, including youth and families, nonprofits, businesses, schools and more, to work toward a future where youth can thrive…

Transforming systems for stronger futures in Racine, Wisconsin

Racine, Wisconsin, sits on the shores of Lake Michigan just south of Milwaukee. A few decades ago, the region was a manufacturing powerhouse, creating auto parts and tractors. Since then, deindustrialization has taken a heavy toll. Meanwhile, the community has become more diverse, and racial economic and educational disparities are pronounced. To face these challenges,…

Changing systems in Central Minnesota

In Central Minnesota, collaboration, data and community voice are creating new opportunities for children and families. United Way Partner for Student Success is a partnership of school districts, businesses, educational institutions, community agencies, funders and government — all committed to building strong futures. The Cradle to Career Network member has now earned the designation of…

Season 3 Episode 9

Together for Change podcast S3 Ep. 9: The Bold Vision of Our North Star

  Welcome to Together for Together for Change, the podcast where we explore the transformative power of systems change and civic infrastructure. In this episode, we reflect on the Cradle to Career Network’s largest in-person gathering to date — the 2023 Cradle to Career Network Convening. We also look back at some of our favorite…

Season 3, Episode 8, The case for policy

Together for Change podcast S3 Ep. 8: The Case for Policy

  Welcome to Together for Together for Change, the podcast where we explore the transformative power of systems change and civic infrastructure. Policy plays a critical role in the work of systems transformation. In this episode, we explore different approaches to policy work and show why it can be effective for achieving results at scale.…

A group of six high school graduates are wearing their caps and gowns and smiling at the camera.

Connecting data and resources to transform systems in South Carolina

Spartanburg, South Carolina, is one of the nation’s fastest growing communities, home to seven postsecondary institutions and committed employers. Collaboration abounds. The city and county governments work closely with nonprofit organizations, businesses and community partners, and the seven school districts regularly collaborate and launch initiatives together. While there is much to celebrate, Spartanburg acknowledges that…

Featured guest is Danya Pastuszek, Co-CEO of Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement.

Together for Change podcast S3 Ep. 7: Working at the Intersection of Different Systems with Civic Infrastructure

  Welcome to Together for Together for Change, the podcast where we explore the transformative power of systems change and civic infrastructure. Part of the work in transforming systems is understanding how different social systems intersect: education, housing, health, criminal justice, etc. On the flip side, there is a large cross section of social impact…